Event management


Event Director is someone who is responsible for the entire event .His/her work start from the very beginning when he/she gets the event from the client .Its his/her job to decide for the theme and then make his subordinates go about it.He/she then keeps a thorough check on each and every work taking place and specially on the staff who have been assigned with the specific tasks.


His/her job is to plan and jot down each and every point said  by the event director and then to make them visible he/she mails the specifications to the rest of the staff such as the creative head and his team ,who then implements these steps accordingly.

 He/she has to look after the implementing stage. Firstly he has to design the entire event on the 3d dimension and then he has to get it approved by the event director, if the event director finds it according to the clients theme he gives the permission to start the work.Then the creative head starts delegating work accordingly to his/her team.