Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Wedding is an occasion that demands the complete attention of a family as when a daughter or a son is about to get married. Various factors need to be weighed and many features will have to be put in place for the marriage to turn out into a successful occasion. All prerequisites will have to be fulfilled and even the minor detail will have to be attended to with care.
One such feature that demands the attention of the family during the wedding time happens to be the shadi cards i.e. wedding cards, and the shadi cards are equally important in a Pakistani wedding.
Shadi cards turn out to be the voice of your earnest request made to friends and relatives as while you invite them to attend the wedding. It also reveals the pride with which you look forward to celebrate the occasion. The wedding cards for a Pakistani wedding come in various designs as that suit the taste of the buyer, and these shadi cards also take various forms as that of simple to vibrant as well as elegant to colorful designs that ultimately provide a wide choice as when it comes to selecting the wedding cards.
When you are eager to share this momentous occasion of marriage with the near and dear ones, shadi cards become the perfect medium that brings out the cheery mood of the family. How to select the best wedding cards for a Pakistani wedding? There are many factors that influence the decision as when you look for the ideal cards for shadi.
The design of the wedding cards turns out to be an important factor that influences the decision of choosing cards for weddings. The affordable rate of these cards for shadi is another of the factor that needs to be considered before opting for the ideal wedding card. Since the cards for shadi are bought in bulk, you also will have to check out on discount options afforded by the wedding card company to avail good rates. Another factor that is very important and that needs careful attention is the wordings that find a place in the cards for shadi.
If you are keen to add the urdu text that brings the best out of Pakistani wedding cards, there are wedding card companies that cater to your needs with regards to the wordings, as the words can also be chosen, as they can get included in the cards in the language that gets opted by you.
Significantly, Pakistani wedding cards get designed in the conventional as well as contemporary concepts and these cards for shadi increases the enthusiasm during wedding times. The traditional scrolls and roll open card only signifies the momentous occasion.
The cards for shadi also come with jewels, as you can even find cards for shadi as paper wedding invitation cards that carries exclusive gains and textures. Shadi cards are also an important feature in a wedding, and giving extreme attention to choose the best cards for shadi is essential to pave way for a momentous occasion.


#1 Menu
• Bar B. Q. (Kabab & Tikka)
• Halwa Puri
• Chanay
• Chocolate Mousse/Trifle
#2 Menu
• Palak Ghosht/chicken and Pulao
•  Fish
• Gajar ka Halwa
#3 Menu
• Bar. B.Q
• Chanay Koftay
• Kheer
Advantages of These Menus
1. Economical
2. Easy to Cook event can be managed at home for lower no. of guest
3. Different than the other events


  Wedding is a joyous occasion for the entire family as even all the preliminary functions before the wedding is celebrated with fanfare. The traditional mehndi function never fails to bring delight to the family of the bride as well as the groom.
Celebrated two days before the wedding, traditional mehndi function is considered an important ceremony, as it is also a decorative function that sparkles with the festive mood.
But if you are trying to know how to plan traditional mehndi function on budget, here are some pointers that would help you plan in the right manner to meet your budget.
Getting hosted at the bride’s place, the main feature of the mehndi function is the application of henna to the hands of the bride, which is done by many married woman. In case if you are choosing to make use of professional mehndi artists, your budget levels will have to be considered before hiring their services.
Most importantly, the place where the mehndi function is held gets decorated gorgeously. The decoration takes place through various beautiful lighting sets as well as flowers among the other items that enhances the festive atmosphere of the place.
While you are looking to get the place decorated through various means, or even opting to make use of services of establishments for decorating the place, your budget levels should be thought before hiring the services.
As the function brings out the joyous occasion on the part of the bride and the groom’s families, elaborate musical as well as acting performances become a part of the mehndi celebrations. In case of making preparations for the musical performances, various aspects will have to be considered.
The essential features required will have to be sorted out, and the cost of the items needed for the musical performances will also have to be considered.
As a bride, you would be eager to select the best traditional henna design that will grace your hand and feet. The mehndi designs come in various forms that include kalash, peacock, leaves, flowers and conch-shells and there are many mehndi artists who apply these designs in the most beautiful fashion.
If you are keen to make use of the services of mehndi artists, you should be aware that the rates charged by the mehndi artists depends mainly upon the traditional mehndi designs, and for special occasions like mehndi functions, they charge you more. Make sure to select the design and the mehndi artist as in a way that the cost of hiring the services falls well within your budget.
 Also, mehndi function as of today has undergone great changes, as men are also invited, and applying henna is not only limited to the bride as henna is applied even to the guests invited for the ceremony. In case of hiring the services of a mehndi artist, you should pick the one who charges you well within your budget level.
Mehndi function is a wonderful occasion that sets the delightful mood for the marriage. If you are keen to know how to plan a traditional mehndi function on a function, make note of all the requirements for the function as well as the cost associated with it. By using various mediums, you can hire the services of the needed vendors who provide services well within your budget.


Venue selection for Pakistani wedding is the most important factor of the wedding planning. The selection of wedding venue ranges between wedding halls, lawns, farm houses and exclusive places depending upon the nature of the event and number of guests expected. It is important to keep in mind the weather during the event days and should give consideration deciding the wedding venue.  For example, if you are planning your event in the winter and decided to arrange the function in lawn you should not forget to consider the following points:
a. Heating Arrangements
b. Arrangements in case of Rain
c. Security Arrangements

Monday, February 7, 2011



Event Director is someone who is responsible for the entire event .His/her work start from the very beginning when he/she gets the event from the client .Its his/her job to decide for the theme and then make his subordinates go about it.He/she then keeps a thorough check on each and every work taking place and specially on the staff who have been assigned with the specific tasks.


His/her job is to plan and jot down each and every point said  by the event director and then to make them visible he/she mails the specifications to the rest of the staff such as the creative head and his team ,who then implements these steps accordingly.

 He/she has to look after the implementing stage. Firstly he has to design the entire event on the 3d dimension and then he has to get it approved by the event director, if the event director finds it according to the clients theme he gives the permission to start the work.Then the creative head starts delegating work accordingly to his/her team.


Event management companies are focused on providing an excellent aura for their clients, an ambience that is unforgettable and an experience which is ever so colorful and entertaining. The services offered by an event management company would be listed according to the kind of event.
Events could be of various kinds. Some of them are listed as under:
1. Product launches
2. Seminars
3. Conferences
4. Birthdays
5. Weddings
6. Wedding anniversaries
7. and many more

Clients hire event management companies to handle a specific scope of services for the given event, which at its maximum may include all creative, technical and logistical elements of the event.

 You need a team to organize an event. You can’t do everything by yourself. So I don’t need to tell you further, how important a team is for your event. Event mismanagement is mostly about team mismanagement.
Do the following things for effective team management:
Know your team
Just knowing the names, faces and job profile of your team members is not enough. You must have good knowledge of there personality, life style, likings, disliking, family background, status, educational qualification, knowledge level, customs, religion and especially there needs and wants. By needs and wants I mean there physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, cognitive needs and self actualization needs.
Every person has different needs and different priority to fulfill them. While for some getting recognition is more important than job security. For others job security is more important. Determine the needs of your team members and fulfill them in order to get optimum results from them.

Physiological needs
The need to have food, water, warmth, shelter and other things necessary for survival.
Your team members will not feel anything, if these needs are met but can cause them discomfort, sickness and pain if these needs are not full filled. So as an event manager it is your job to make sure that all the physiological needs of your team are met from time to time. Just imagine how a team member who hasn’t eaten anything all day will perform his duty in the evening and you will get my point.

Safety needs
It includes need to be safe from physical and psychological harm. It also includes job security and financial security.
As an event manger you have to ensure safety of your team especially women. A person can’t give his best in an unsafe environment.
To protect your team from psychological harm, make sure there are no internal conflicts (like ego clashes, altercations, conflict of interest etc) among team members. If there are conflicts, then resolve them judiciously.
Providing job security to your team is also very important. At no point any team member should feel that his job is under threat either by your actions or by someone else actions.
Take care of your team beyond the work place. If any team member is facing a financial problem, then help him as much as you can.

Social needs
It is the need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance. Need to love and be loved by friends, intimate partner, family and social groups like your team.
To fulfill this need, there must be cordial relationship between you and the team and among the team members. A team member will not perform his best if he has considerable family problems. Try whatever you can to reduce his family problems. If you can’t do much at least accept his problems and empathize with him. Try to reduce his stress by giving him a day off or engaging him in the sport he likes the most. Ask you team members to be as supportive to him as possible. All this will help.
People who have strong social needs should not be placed in a job where they have minimum interaction with people. They are the best for marketing or PR type jobs.

Esteem needs
It is the need to get respect, recognition, fame and status.
Some people have stronger esteem needs than the other. You will have to identify those team members who have strong esteem needs and then find ways to fulfill those needs. For e.g. if a person is working very hard to get recognition among the team members and you are not giving him the recognition he deserves (by openly praising him or giving him promotion) then sooner or later his motivation level will go down and he will not give optimum results or worst will not perform and quit.

Cognitive needs
It is the need to understand, learn, discover and explore.
People who have strong cognitive needs should not be placed in a job which is monotonous and which doesn’t offer any possibility of intellectual growth. Frankly speaking, people with strong cognitive needs are not suitable for event management jobs.

Self Actualization need
It is the need to be the best. It is the need to become everything, one is capable of becoming.
Very few people have such type of need. If you have some one in you team with this need, then you have both advantage and disadvantage. The advantage is that you can always expect optimum results from him. The disadvantage is that he will tirelessly seek for the position of leadership and if he didn’t get it, then he will leave you soon and may even become your competitor.